has various schemes for the handloom sector. These schemes take
care of various activities such as training weavers, supplying
equipments, product development, institutional support, infrastructure
and marketing support etc. in an integrated and coordinated manner.
The main objective of these schemes is to ensure overall development
of the handloom sector and to benefit the handloom weavers. These
schemes are an attempt to provide such facilities which would
enable the weavers to take up production as per the demands of
the market.
These schemes attempt to look after the needs of the weavers
for working capital, basic inputs, creating awareness and attempt
to support quality fabric production through appropriate design
intervention, alongwith increase in productivity, provision of
publicity, and marketing incentive.
Components of Incentive Scheme
Basic Inputs
Financial assistance is provided in the form of margin money to
avail credit facilities from the financial institutions. Financial
assistance is also provided in the form of grants for procurement
of new looms, dobby, jacquard and accessories which is maximum
of 50% of the cost of the item. To facilitate weavers to switch
over from low value added items to high value added products,
assistance for training is provided.
Infrastructure Support
Financial assistance is given for setting up of water and effluent
treatment plants and for process houses, having facilities like
bleaching, dyeing, finishing etc.
This assistance is provided to Primary Cooperative Societies/
Self Help Group etc., having a turnover of more than 25 lakhs
and National level Organisations/ State Handloom Corporation etc.
having a sales turnover of Rs. 5 crore or more.
Design Input
Keeping in view the changing market scenario within the country
and abroad, assistance towards provision of design and installation
of Computer Aided Design System to improve the design quality
of the handloom products is provided.
Assitance in the form of grant is provided to avail sevices of
National Institute of Design (NID), National Institute of Fashion
Technology (NIFT), Design Consultants/Freelance Designers etc.
Financial assistance is provided to handloom organisations for
projects involving expenditure towards publicity, advertisement,
printing of brochures/catalogues, market research as well as production
of films for promotion of sales of handlooms.
Marketing Incentives
Financial assistance is provided to prepare conditions which are
conducive for marketing of handloom products. The organisation
is expected to use this assistance towards activities which would
attract consumers in order to gear up the overall sales of handloom
Transport Subsidy
Assistance towards subsidising the cost of transportation of finished
goods to the approved outlets of the state to which it is transported/
to the approved site of exhibition/ fairs organised by Development
Commissioner Handlooms is provided. This assistance is provided
on condition that the place to which it is transported has a minimum
of 10 lakh population.