The gushing streams and the rivers of the Himalayas offer an unlimited
stock of naturally shaped wooden pieces for a Driftwood Artist,
mostly during floods.
In forests, the roots and branches of different shapes fall in
the turbulent flow of rivers and streams. They carry these pieces
a long way and afterwards deposit along the levelled banks. These
nature worked pieces are now collected by a person who is attracted
by these strange forms of wood. He files and polishes these pieces
and gives them some recognizable or abstract shapes through his
The driftwood art has grown comercially in the valley due to
high inflow of tourists. The recent floods in River Beas and it's
tributaries have also contributed in its growth. These floods
provided thousands of raw driftwood pieces having various shapes
and sizes. Driftwood articles are generally used for decoration.
Tourists buy these articles to take them as a souvenir of the

During the tourist season in valley many small shops display the
beautiful driftwood articles on the sides of the highway. The
better known shops for driftwood are in Ramshilla and Babeli which
are at a distance of 2 km and 7 km respectively from Kullu bus
stand on the National Highway towards Manali.
Driftwood Artists in Kullu
There are many amateurs in the valley who collect drift wood out
of their curiosity and delight. Besides them, the people well-
known in the valley for their skill and comercial production of
driftwood articles are Pandit Durga Prasad Rao and Kuldeep Dhiman.