by D.S. Thakur
Professor of Agricultural Economics
Regional Research Station, Bajaura
This paper presents the data and findings of the hi-tech agriculture
and sustainable farming systems - implemented during the last
seven years on the farmers' fields in Himachal Pradesh hills.
It will be noted that a systems approach is followed to bring
about significant changes and a quantum jump in agricultural production
and income as done during the course of this study.
The results are remarkable and unbelievable - yields of 40 to
50 quintals per hectare of foodgrains and 200 to 360 quintals
of fruits and vegetables with the high income of upto Rs. 2.55
lakhs and an average of nearly 2 lakhs or so per farm under the
IIHFS in the hills of Himachal Pradesh. If this is possible in
Himachal Pradesh, why not elsewhere in India. Of course, this
is nowhere near the actual potential comparing to, say, an average
wheat yield of 87.71 quintals per hectare in the Netherlands.
In view of the untapped agricultural potential and the increasing
demand for food due to the ever-increasing population, the banks
must come forward in a big way to finance the IIHFS and other
activities of the farmers for sustainable agriculture, to ensure
food security and freedom from hunger and malnutrition and transition
to an era of agricultural prosperity.