
The Regional Research Station, Bajaura was established in 1962
as a Research Station of the Punjab Agriculture Unversity Ludhiana.
It was later transferred to the Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
(Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University) in 1978. The station
became an important center of regional research with the additional
funding provided by the World Bank during the 1980's. The financial
support provided contributed considerably in developing the
infrastructure facilities at the Regional Research Station Bajaura
and its associated stations at Malan, Kangra, Sundernagar and
Prime Activities
- Development of improved varieties of important cereals,
pulses and oilseed crops with special emphasison on the development
of hybrid varieties of maize and vegetable crops.
- Integrated nutrient management to economise on chemical
- Development and refinement of rainfed agriculture technology
including rain water management.
- Integrated pest and disease management of different crops
viz., vegetables, paddy, pulses and ginger.
- Interpratation of meteorological data for efficient use
of land and water resources.
- Evaluation of small tools and implements for hill agriculture.
- Strengthening of marketing facilities particularly for vegetables
by establishing regulated markets.
- Research on nutritional requirements of domestic animals.
- Maximisation of wool yield.
Regional Research Station
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
Bajaura, Distr. Kullu, H.P. 175 125
Phone +91-1905-87235