by Ben Heron

In many tourist destinations, very little of the money spent
by the tourists actually makes its way into the local economy.
Many tourists arrive in countries on foreign airlines, travel
on package-tours organised by foreign companies and stay in hotels
owned by non-local people. When this happens, a large proportion
of the tourist's money makes its way back to companies in the
West or to nearby cities in a process known as 'leakage'.
The amount of leakage in India has grown rapidly during the last
ten years, especially in places such as Goa and Manali where large
numbers of hotels have been built that are owned by foreign businessmen
or rich landowners from cities such as Bombay and Delhi. When
tourists stay in these hotels, most of the money that they spend
does not reach the local economy; instead it goes into the pockets
of the hotel owners and the foreign businessmen who arrange the
tourist's holiday. Similarly, many of the trekking agencies in
the Himalayas that offer self-sufficient tours, i.e. with all
porters, food and tents provided, are organised in cities or foreign
countries. The trekking groups go to fragile environments such
as Spiti or Ladakh, use the local people's natural resources,
deposit their rubbish and sanitation needs as they go along, but
rarely contribute much money to the communities they visit.
Many of the larger hotels in the Kullu Valley consume disproportionate
amounts of the local resources such as timber for building and
heating, and large amounts of fuel and electricity. These resources
should be managed very carefully, conserved for the use of local
people and consumed at a sustainable rate so that they still exist
for the use of future generations. Not only do these hotels consume
local resources at an unsustainable rate; they create large amounts
of litter and destroy the beauty of the landscape with their unattractive
buildings and insensitive bill-board advertising. If the tourist
industry continues in this way, the natural resources of the local
people will become depleted, the environment will be damaged and
the tourists will choose to go elsewhere. If this happens, the
local people will have very few resources to survive on and it
will be very difficult to reverse the changes.