is a festival of repentance of past sins and misdeeds. It is also
said that the celebration of this festival helps in the purification
of human soul. In some places, this fair is held every two, five
or seven years.
The fair is held after a local fable. Once a local deity came
to Shirarh village along with his friend Naur. Both felt hungry
and the deity went to the local Rana (chief) to ask for food but
the Rana refused. This enraged the deity and he went at the top
of a hill and brought about flood. The turbulent flood destroyed
everything making its way. The deity soon realized that his friend
Naur had also became a victim of the flood. He felt himself responsible
for his death. So he started commemorating this festival every
third year in his remembrance.
A square altar is prepared with the branches of a Deodar tree
at its four corners. A person from the Naur tribe sits in it and
Deo Khel (a form of dance) is performed here. During the festival,
he is killed and revived by a special procedure. People confess
their sins and repent. This is how the whole incident is symbolically